Skin Assessments
Skin assessments for at-risk employees help detect early stages of skin conditions, meaning they can then be treated before they develop.

In some workplaces, skin problems can be commonplace.
In workplaces where staff are exposed to certain substances, skin problems can be commonplace. Skin may become irritated or sensitive and in some cases, this may develop into dermatitis.
Skin surveillance is recommended for any employees who use products with a risk rating of R43 in the workplace. These substances, which can cause skin sensitisation, include chemicals, solvents, oils, enzymes, soaps and cleaners.
Don’t leave your employees at risk.
Regular skin assessments for at-risk employees can detect the first signs of dermatitis. By spotting this skin condition in its early stages, it can be treated before it develops.
Phoenix Occupational health will carry out a short assessment lasting between 10 and 15 minutes per person. The appointment will include a questionnaire and a visual check of the individual’s skin.

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Call 01782 771935 today to discuss your skin assessment needs with a member of our team.